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To Hire Out Thy Death (series)

This is not about war or even smaller battles that we have to wage between communities, devastation and other crap that no one wants to deal with. I was and will always be a…not even mercenary, but a weapon of choice – and the gods have allowed me to offer my services to those who need it most, and that is my newest and most honored calling. Lots of deathly blood, guts and not even glory – but pained defeat and mortality fill these pages, and none of it goes for good uses, so I must warn you all, and just feel into that sorrowful emotion of wishing the world were different, because it is, but not in the way that you and others – just don’t take anything the wrong way, and this journey won’t be bad at all, I don’t promise a thing, but I do let all my customers have a peak of their merchandise at the end of every completed purchase. That is all I can offer for now.

Story One: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J9N8FB6




Magick is Life