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Azazel – Causes others to admire our good traits in a way that helps us understand ourselves, more fully

…can also help us with, gaining greater reputation with others – as they see the best in ourselves.

…brings others to notice our best traits, in a way that causes them, to understand ourselves without lies, and other outside misconceptions altering their judgement or perception.

…causes others to help us by raising our reputation as others, notice us for our best traits and even – notice us for new good traits we never thought about.

…guides others to help us as we strive to work or work toward a given goals, in a way that causes others to see us as a friend and not anything bad – whatsoever. This allows others to see us in the best way, possible.

…causes others we do not know to see us in the best ways so that our reputation elevates – even amongst people we do not know or have open connection with.

Complimentary spirit…

Achilles (Greek spirit)

Build your whole world – using the angelic qliphoth:

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Boel – Seek truth of any situation

…this can also be used to gain, insights for any situation or person.

…to also gain, deeper truth for groups of people or discovery hidden secrets – purposefully withheld

…can also help with, understanding the full truth of a person beyond all secretative protection and cloaks (you will be given signs or hints at what is really going on)

…help you understand the truth, of a situation that is confusing or where the targets or people are purposefully statiing lies – so that others are lied to or mislead

Complimentary spirit…

Vual (demon)

Build your life – using the angels:

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Creating Higher Abundance Using Demon Magick

Amon – Brings higher prosperity and abundance through unusual situations or outcomes, that are geared to give you financial fortune or luck.

Bune – Causes you to have far greater abundance through lifestyle change, and brings you to be higher abundance in your mindset and how you live your life in general.

Complimentary spirit…

Belphegor (Sumerian)

Enhance your prosperity, and life – using the demons:

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Magick is Life